Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 9am to 9pm | Sunday : 9am to 1 pm


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(+91) 97910 44884

Facilities Available

Surgeries & Investigation Facilities

- Cataract evaluation and assessment
- Computerised Eye testing with add on customised refraction by Optometrist
- Phacoemulsification, MICS & other types of cataract surgeries like ECCE & SICS
- Fundus evaluation for Glaucoma and Retinal conditions
- Screening and follow up for Glaucoma and Diabetic Retinopathy
- Intra Ocular Pressure recording and monitoring
- Ketatometry & Angle study
- A scan for IOL power
- Minor OT procedures
- Intravitreal injections
- Contact lens
- Yag lasers and Retinal lasers
- Evaluation of Refractive surgeries
- C3R
- SURYA OPTICALS, wing with a wide array of frames and lenses
- State of the art Operation Theatre.

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